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Forestry outlines 10-year logging plans 

Forestry Tasmania has revealed its logging plans for the next 10 years to the legal team of Senator Bob Brown.

The information was requested as part of a case involving the Wielangta State Forest on Tasmania's east coast.

Senator Brown fears Forestry Tasmania's plans will threaten three endangered species in Wielangta, and is taking the issue to the Federal Court to stop the logging.

In previous court appearances, legal counsel for Forestry said it was not known if the logging plans over the next 10, 20 or 80 years existed, and labelled Senator Brown's request for documents as a fishing expedition.

Senator Brown's legal team says it now has all the information it requested, including computer records of logging plans for the next decade.

In court this morning, legal counsel for Forestry expressed concern that commercially sensitive information would be leaked to the media.

Federal Court Justice Shayne Marshall was given an undertaking the information will not go beyond the Senator's legal team.

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