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Forestry chief returns from Asian lobbying campaign 

Forestry Tasmania's chief says it is now up to the community to counter the environmental campaign to stop overseas companies buying woodchips from the State's old-growth forests.

Evan Rolley has returned from a week-long trip to shore up contracts in Japan, China and Korea.

He says the green lobby has already cost Tasmania's forest industry up to 400,000 tonnes in sales to Japanese company Mitsubishi.

Mr Rolley says he promoted the merits of Tasmania's new community forest agreement to another major customer, Nippon, which is reviewing its purchasing policy.

"They were certainly pleased to hear this, they see this as a significant set of initiatives to improve the environmental performance in Tasmania," Mr Rolley said.

"But what decision they'll make is a matter for them and they're still reviewing all the different views that have been expressed."

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